2017 CAA Leadership Award – volunteers needed!
Cal alumni volunteers needed to interview incoming freshmen for the 2017 CAA Leadership Award. Interview date and timeframe: Saturday, June 24, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: University City/UTC area. Please contact Athena Lai at laia75008@gmail.com
Holiday Bowl Events- On-going
Fall BIG 10/Pac-12 Happy Hour – Wednesday, September 20th. These events are really fun. If you want to hobnob with other Cal folks as well as alums from the other 25 schools, this is a great opportunity! Keep checking back … Continued
Annual Board Meeting
Annual SD Cal Alumni Board Meeting Wednesday, May 17th, 2017, 6pm 7235 Caribou Ct. San Diego, CA 92129
Bears on Skiis 2015
Breckinridge Ski Trip February 2015–Bears on Skis Thanks to our friends from the Rocky Mountain Golden Bears Club, some San Diego Bears were able to participate in the Bears on Skis trip to Breckenridge, CO in February 2015.
Golden Bear Orientation 2017
UC Berkeley’s Golden Bear Orientation is part of a long tradition of welcoming new undergraduate students and their families and supporters to our campus. Orientation can provide the spark to positively affect a student’s years at Berkeley. We are thrilled … Continued